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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you welcome people like me?

All Saints, as part of the Episcopal Church, believes that all people are invited to share in the Gospel and the life of Jesus Christ. We are LGBTQ-affirming, meaning that we accept everyone, gay or straight, trans or cis, into the full life of the Church, including marriage, ordination, and any other role you may find yourself in. We are opposed to racism, sexism, and all forms of oppression that denigrate the image of God. We’d be delighted to have you!

What is the difference between the 8 am and 10 am service? How long are they?

Our 8 am service typically features three congregational hymns and lasts about 45-55 minutes. Our 10 am service is accompanied by choir, and lasts between an hour and an hour-and-a-half. Both services center the Holy Eucharist.

What should I expect if I come to a service?

Coming to any of our Sunday services, you’ll be provided with a bulletin to help guide you in our liturgy. Ordinarily, 10am services will feature five traditional hymns sung by the choir and congregation. During particularly important or celebratory periods, there may be more hymns as well as other elements such as incense.

Where do I park?

There is a parking lot across from the church which can be accessed before any service. Street parking is available if the lot is full.

What's with all those things you do in worship?

Like all churches, All Saints members have their own smaller behaviors as part of a service, from crossing ourselves to kneeling at certain points. None of these are essential, and if you’re not comfortable performing them, that’s okay!

How much do I have to participate in a service?

You can feel free to participate as much or as little as you like! If you’d like to sit in on a service and simply observe, that’s perfectly fine.

What would be appropriate to wear to a service?

There is no dress code at All Saints, and regular members come dressed in all manner of styles. Members come wearing everything from suit and tie to t-shirt and sweatpants.

Can I take communion in your Church? What is communion like at your services?

Yes! We believe that communion is the Body and Blood of Christ given to his people, and received by faith. If you do not wish to receive, you can remain seated or come up with your arms crossed over your chest for a blessing. In communion, we use bread and wine, not grape juice. Gluten-free wafers are available upon request. You will be directed to the altar by the ushers to receive first the bread and then, if you’d like, the wine. If you’re unable to get out of your seat for communion, let the ushers know so that it can be brought to you.

Can I have a wedding or funeral at your church?

Yes, please contact our Rector, the Rev. Jana Branson, to arrange a discussion.

Do you gather at times other than Sunday morning?

Not at the moment. However, we’re always trying new things, so check back regularly if you’re interested in other services.

How can I get involved?

All Saints is full of ministries, including choir, lay Eucharistic ministry, and the flower guild, among others. Please either talk to those leading the ministries or email us at, where we can put you in touch with one of our many lay ministers. There is no requirement that you give to the church in order to participate in any of its ministries or functions, but if you’d like to, please see our Give page.

Who's in charge of our church?

The church’s administration is run by our vestry, but pastoral duties are run by our rector. Our rector, the Rev. Jana Branson, is available for spiritual guidance or discussion upon request. If you’d like to talk to her without having to attend a service, please see her email address on the Clergy & Staff page.

Do you have Bible Study?

Yes! We currently have a morning prayer service on Thursdays at 10 AM, which is followed by a bible study group. We discuss the upcoming Sunday's readings in order to share our questions and insights about that week's lessons.

Do you offer Sunday School? What about child care? Are young or noisy children allowed in the main service?

Sunday School is currently offered during the first half of the 10am services; reach out at for more information. We also offer a bag of activities for young children to participate in during the service. Do not worry about bringing your children: as Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” We’d be delighted to have them and to have you, noisy or otherwise.

How many pipes does your organ have?

All Saints boasts the second-largest pipe organ in Sacramento, with a little over 3,000 pipes, though that number is always subject to change. This allows for a wide variety of styles and songs to be represented, and our organist, Scott Nelson, is known to make use of this variety, especially on important celebrations such as Christmas and Easter. Check our Music tab for more info!

Should I plan to stay for coffee hour?

We’d be delighted to have you at coffee hour! We believe that an essential part of the Church’s mission is being a community, and as Jesus showed, breaking bread with one another is one of the greatest ways to accomplish that. It can be found in the parish hall immediately following the service.

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