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As an Episcopal church, All Saints holds to the beliefs found in the universal Church’s ancient creeds, as well as the doctrine put forth in the Catechism of the Book of Common Prayer. What this means in practice is:

We believe in One God in Three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

We believe in the goodness of God’s creation,

We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who became a human being and lived among us,

equal in their eternity and united in love. This God is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe and made each and every one of us, not out of necessity but out of love. This God is perfectly just, perfectly loving, and perfectly good, caring for all of us in our individuality.

including humanity. Though we were created to live in perfect unity with one another and with God, we turned inwards, elevating ourselves above all else, causing sin and death to enter the world and rupturing our union with our Creator. Because of this, all human beings suffer and repeat the cycle of sin.

born of the Virgin Mary. Though equal with the Father and the Spirit, Christ allowed Himself to be crucified for our sake, uniting us to God and overcoming sin and death through his own sinless sacrifice. Resurrected in bodily form, He encouraged his disciples to preach the good news of his victory over Death. Following his earthly ministry, Christ ascended into heaven, where he now sits at the right hand of the Father, waiting to return on the last day.

We believe in the Holy Spirit,

who was poured out upon the believers at Pentecost. We believe that the Spirit dwells within Christians and empowers us to preach the Gospel and practice good works. We believe that it is this Spirit who continues to guide the Church and sanctify Christ’s followers, bringing us back to God whenever we fall into sin by putting our selfish desires first.

We believe in the catholic Church,

or universal Church, which is expressed in visible form throughout the world but includes all those who, whether we see it or not, are united to Christ. All joined to this Church are united to Christ’s body and are saved, given the promise of eternal life. The Church works in the world to spread the Gospel, to join in worship and community, and to serve as Christ did, ministering to those who are neglected or left behind.

We believe in the life everlasting,

which has been opened to all those who have been saved by God’s unfathomable grace, lifted from the consequences of sin that we cannot overcome ourselves. We believe that on the last day, Christ will come to judge all that have ever lived, and we will all be raised from the dead as He was, invited to join him on the New Earth which has overcome the suffering of our present time.

We believe in the two great Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion,

also called the Eucharist. We believe that in Baptism we are cleansed of our sin and buried with Christ so that we might rise with Him, being united to His Body and made a formal member of the Church. We believe that in the Eucharist, through the work of the Holy Spirit, we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, and are united with His sacrifice through the power of faith.

We believe that Christ’s Church is for everyone,

and that the two great sacraments, alongside the other sacramental rites of Anointing, Confirmation, Confession, Marriage, and Ordination, are available to everyone - Black or white, gay or straight, trans or cis, disabled or abled. We believe that it is the duty of Christians to follow in the footsteps of our Savior, who made friends with those that His society reviled, and to bring them into His healing arms.

We believe that our mission is to be active in the world,

offering the good news of Christ’s salvation to a world sorely in need of it. By working for justice and offering solace and forgiveness in Christ’s arms, we fulfill our mission as Christians and play our part in God’s ultimate restoration of all things.

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