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We worship in the Episcopal tradition, which traces its roots before the American Revolution to the Church of England, and from there back to the ancient church.  We sing hymns accompanied by our magnificent organ, which is one of the largest in Sacramento.

After church, we invite you to join other worshipers for coffee and refreshments, and have the opportunity to see the informal side of the All Saints community.

Together, members of All Saints teach and learn, sing and pray, study and serve, and play.  We are children and parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, married and single, gay and straight.  We come from various racial and ethnic backgrounds and find our common purpose in living as followers of Christ, worshiping together and supporting one another on the way. We care for one another and for those in our community of Sacramento who have less than we do. We are people who enjoy each other’s company, and love to have fun together, whether at coffee hour, at a potluck picnic, or attending a Rivercats baseball game as a group.


About: About
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